Peter A. Fields, MD, DC has become known as The Athletic Doc®.
He not only treats athletes but is an athlete himself, so he understands the desire to keep active. So if you suffer an injury, he gets what it means to you to get back into the game or to return quickly to your sport.
Pete Jacobs 2012 Ironman World Champion and Dr. Fields (The Atletic Doc®)He not only treats athletes in his practice but is an athlete himself.
For over twenty years, Dr. Fields has been active in the sport of Triathlon which has led to him becoming known as The Athletic Doc®. To date, he has completed eleven Ironman Triathlons. An Ironman Triathlon is a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike, and a 26.2-mile run. Dr. Fields has competed in over 60 other Triathlons in his career, including eight half (70.3) Ironman competitions as well as numerous Olympic distance ones. He says that even with all the years of training and racing, he still enjoys the challenges of it all.
With a busy practice, Dr. Fields still makes time to work out. During the triathlon season, he can be found swimming, biking, or running six to seven days a week in addition to a regime of active stretching twice a day. On most weekends, Dr. Fields can be found on long training rides. Besides being outdoors and keeping himself very physically active, Dr. Fields also enjoys the camaraderie of his training partners. In addition to the sport of Triathlon, Dr. Fields is a competitive tennis player and participates in several other athletic activities including skiing, lifting weights, scuba diving, and hiking to name just a few.
The Athletic Doc Scuba Diving
Dr. Fields finds that keeping fit and active is not only important in keeping him in top physical shape but also in staying in touch with those patients that are, or want to be, active. To keep his body at maximum efficiency and maintain optimal health, Dr. Fields eats a very healthy diet which includes lots of organic fruits and vegetables and other whole food products. He avoids processed foods, fried foods, and white flour or white sugar products. The Athletic Doc® also utilizes a daily vitamin and supplement regime as well as massage therapy, chiropractic, and of course, Prolotherapy for those injuries that just won’t heal. Plus he makes sure to get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, and have some quiet time in his life.
Dr. Fields is a nationally known Prolotherapy Doctor. For more severe injuries, Dr. Fields recommends PRP Prolotherapy, which uses a patient’s own cells to stimulate healing. And for his patients who have arthritic joints, torn or missing cartilage, or bone-on-bone conditions, Dr. Fields is a nationally known Stem Cell Prolotherapy doctor who regularly helps his patients avoid joint replacement surgery.
Dr. Fields is the Director of OrthoRegen® in Santa Monica, California, one of the largest practices in the world dedicated to Regenerative Orthopedics. Dr. Fields treats patients from around the United States and the World: from professional athletes to weekend warriors and even non-athletes. He helps people avoid orthopedic surgeries whether full surgery or arthroscopic.
Dr. Fields is a leading expert in Regenerative Orthopedic treatments such as Stem Cells, PRP, and Prolotherapy, to help people reduce pain and prevent joint replacement.
The Athletic Doc® motto is “not only train hard but smart – as if your body depended on it”