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Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear Repair Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries in sports can occur due to trauma, improper training techniques, chronic overuse, and inadequate injury prevention measures. An ACL injury often means you feel your knee giving out. A "popping" noise may also be heard, and pain may be along

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Foot Pain Treatment

Foot Pain Treatment Foot pain afflicts many people. We depend on our feet for so much, from simply getting from place to place to running, working, and dancing. When our feet hurt, our lives are greatly affected, and we'll try everything we can to get relief. What foot pain treatments

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Arthritis Neck Treatment

Arthritis Neck Treatment Neck arthritis can deter you from moving your neck normally, disrupt your life, and limit the activities you enjoy. When the neck is uninjured and stable, it moves and functions normally. But an injury to the ligaments changes this whole dynamic because it causes the cervical spine

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Back Pain Specialist

Back Pain Specialists At OrthoRegen®, we specialize in treating the joints and the spine. Low back pain is one of the conditions we see quite often. People who come to our clinic typically have already tried various treatments that did not achieve the results they sought, leaving them with a

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The Ligament Connection and Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Arthritis Treatment and the Ligament Connection If you have hip arthritis, there is a good chance you are looking for an alternative to hip replacement. Are you seeking a way to preserve your hip from hip replacement surgery? What is the best hip arthritis treatment? For those who still

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Tennis Elbow Treatment

Tennis Elbow Treatment You don't have to be a tennis player to have tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is a condition caused by overuse. Sufferers might be painters, writers, guitar players, or anyone who does an activity requiring repetitive use of the arm and elbow. In this article, we'll delve into

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Alternative Treatments for Arthritis

Regenerative Orthopedics: Alternative Treatments for Arthritis Arthritis is one of the most common conditions plaguing people worldwide. The annoying arthritis symptoms, like joint pain and stiffness, are a result of the progressive loss of cartilage as the joint degenerates. These symptoms can put a real damper on people's lives, hindering

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Chronic Pain Management

Chronic Pain Management: Musculoskeletal Pain Pain can be defined as a feeling of distress, suffering, or agony caused by the stimulation of specialized nerve endings in the body resulting from injury or disease. Musculoskeletal pain affects the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones. When a person suffers from musculoskeletal pain, their

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Meniscus Tear Treatments

Meniscus Tear Treatments When an injury to the meniscus occurs, patients commonly try non-surgical meniscus tear treatments like rest, ice, compression, elevation, pain medications, physical therapy, and cortisone injections. When those do not work, their doctor may recommend arthroscopic surgery. Surgery, though, has not been shown to be an effective

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Neck Pain Treatment

Neck Pain Treatment: Suffering from Cervical Instability? Neck pain and neck instability wreak havoc in a patient's life. If you or someone you know has been in a car accident or has hit their head, you are probably familiar with the symptoms that follow afterward and have sought neck pain

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