Alternative to Knee Surgery Patients facing knee surgery are often dealing with severe knee pain, limitations in movement, and interference with daily activities. Those trying to decide about knee surgery have
Read MoreWhen Physical Therapy Fails to Relieve Low Back Pain You've tried all kinds of treatments for your low back pain, and now you are in Physical Therapy, but you aren't achieving the results you had
Read MoreBone On Bone Knee Arthritis Have you been told your knee is bone on bone and the only thing that will help is a knee replacement? We see many patients who have received that same report
Read MoreThe Best ACL Treatment Option The ACL is a ligament in the middle of the knee designed to stabilize the tibia (shin bone) on the femur (thigh bone). It sits in front of another ligament called the PCL. Together, the ACL and PCL keep the shin bone from sliding too
Read MoreThe Non-Surgical Answer for Knee Pain If you are experiencing knee pain, it's understandable that you are looking for a treatment to resolve it. You are not alone! Knee pain is the most common problem we see. At one time or another, most of us will have had some knee
Read MoreAre Repeat Ankle Sprains A Problem? Does your ankle give out frequently? There is a reason for repeat ankle sprains. It's a common problem for people with ankle instability! And what causes ankle instability? Very often, the source of ankle instability is ligament damage from an injury that occurred at
Read MorePRP for Joint Repair When patients face a joint injury, arthritis, or the possibility of surgery, they frequently look for an alternative. PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is an effective non-surgical option for joint and spine repair. It also has enormous potential to reverse the physiology of osteoarthritis and increase cartilage
Read MoreAnterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Tear Repair An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury often means you feel your knee giving out. A "popping" noise may also be heard, and pain may be along the knee's outside or back. Partial ACL tears may "heal" independently, but other problems can develop because of incomplete
Read MoreFoot Pain Treatment Foot pain afflicts many people. We depend on our feet for so much, from simply getting from place to place to running, working, and dancing. When our feet hurt, our lives are greatly affected, and we'll try everything we can to get relief. What foot pain treatments
Read MoreArthritis Neck Treatment Neck arthritis can deter you from moving your neck normally, disrupt your life, and limit the activities you enjoy. When the neck is uninjured and stable, it moves and functions normally. But an injury to the ligaments changes this whole dynamic because it causes the cervical spine
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