Lasting Arthritis Pain Relief with Regenerative Orthopedics
Anyone with arthritis is familiar with the ongoing pain, joint stiffness, and the limitations the disease causes. Arthritis damages the joints, and the progressive loss of cartilage changes the joint structure. And that changes the way the joint moves. We are all aware of how limiting this disease is! And many of us are on a quest to find lasting relief from arthritis pain.
Arthritis affects us at home, in our workplace, and while attempting to enjoy activities we love. Besides that, arthritis affects our finances. We lose pay because of hours of work lost. Then there is the cost for surgery, rehabilitation, various treatments, pain medications, and disability. Arthritis is a huge health concern.
In this article, we will discuss how to find lasting relief from arthritis pain. And to understand how to find relief, it helps to know how the condition develops in the first place.
Arthritis does not just happen because of old age. There is a reason for it. Arthritis occurs over time. But it occurs as a result of joint instability. And the instability transpires after some injury that never fully healed. Of course, the eventual cartilage loss with its inhibition of joint motion plays a central role in arthritis. But that’s not where it all began.
Injury to or failure of other joint structures, such as an injured ligament or tendon, actually initiates the change in equilibrium that leads to this breakdown of cartilage. Arthritis almost always begins with ligament weakness or injury. And that injury initiates a cycle of abnormal motion in the joint, which eventually changes the structure and function of the joint.
Ligaments hold the bones together. And along with healthy cartilage and other soft tissue, they allow for smooth joint motion. When the ligaments are weak due to injury, the motion becomes uneven. That uneven motion puts stress on other areas of the joint, which then causes some areas of bone to bear additional weight on the articular cartilage. This uneven distribution worsens and worsens with ongoing joint stress. And that weakens the ligaments further, causing additional instability of the joint.
The whole process leads to the eventual breakdown of the articular cartilage. The joint then is unable to glide smoothly, which causes limitations in joint function. The unstable bony surfaces continue to rub roughly and unevenly, causing bone loss. This bony loss leads to joint space narrowing and exposure of the underlying subchondral bone. And that precipitates the process of bone remodeling, in which the subchondral bone thickens. This accumulated or thickened bony overgrowth is called osteoarthritis.
Arthritis typically causes pain, but not everyone is symptomatic. People with arthritis do not all have the same level of symptoms. And the same degree of arthritis can involve various levels of pain. When pain does arise, it generally occurs with activity and is relieved by rest.
Any joint can be affected by arthritis. But it is found more commonly in the weight-bearing joints, like the knees, hips, and back. Arthritis pain and symptoms generally start and get worse with movement and activity. And in the beginning, they often go away at rest.
As the condition progresses, pain is present at rest too. At this point, pain is commonly experienced as a non-localized deep, aching pain accompanied by joint stiffness. In time, the aching and stiffness curtail activity and function. Since arthritis puts limitations on life, emotional symptoms develop as well. Since arthritis limits people from the enjoyment of doing the things they love, psychological distress is understandable.
Interestingly, the pain of arthritis does not come from the cartilage! There are no nerve fibers or blood vessels in cartilage tissue. And therefore, cartilage is incapable of generating pain or inflammation or any of the symptoms commonly described with arthritis. The pain actually comes from the ligaments, tendons, and their insertion sites at the bone, which are all highly innervated. Lasting relief from arthritis pain will need to come from treatment at the source of the pain.
Arthritis is diagnosed after a thorough history and physical examination. Radiography can be utilized to confirm the presence of joint space narrowing and bone spurs and to rule out the presence of other conditions.
Since arthritis begins with injury to the soft tissue structures like the ligaments and tendons, treatments that target repair of these structures are needed to restore joint physiology and biomechanics. Otherwise, the cycle will continue. Regenerative Orthopedic therapies, such as Stem Cell Therapy, PRP, and Prolotherapy, target the ligaments, tendons, and their insertion sites.
By treating the problem’s source, regenerative medicine physicians can fix the involved structures and stabilize the joint. The treatments end the abnormal joint motion, stabilizing the joint and effectively stopping the cycle.
It is important to choose treatments that repair rather than cover up or mask the symptoms. Regenerative Orthopedic treatments increase blood flow in the tissue. And the result is an increase in the flow of immune cells to the injured tissue. That triggers the repair process! The solutions act as proliferants that boost the natural wound healing cascades, resulting in strengthening and repairing the injured joint structures.
Regenerative Orthopedics offers benefits in pain relief, regenerative properties, and cartilage repair for people affected by arthritis. And they result in lasting relief from arthritis pain!
In patients with more advanced arthritic conditions, the Gold Standard in Stem Cell Therapy can be utilized, which combines Prolotherapy with components of blood, fat, and bone marrow. Many clinics use only one or two of these procedures. But we have discovered that this combination of four regenerative therapies acts as an amazing regenerative solution to reverse arthritis damage on the joint.
Arthritis is a complex and unique condition, affecting individuals and those they love. In a time when healthcare providers have limited options for effective arthritis treatment and pain resolution, Regenerative Orthopedics is a promising treatment option. It is an option that aids in the relief of pain and one that results in increased motion. Plus, it provides gains in function and quality of life.
These treatments stimulate the regrowth of the injured tissue and tighten the ligaments around the joint, which often reduces joint pain immediately. They are safe and effective and are amazing non-surgical alternatives, with the potential to slow the disease progression, get rid of pain, and promote the regeneration of cartilage. What a great opportunity for healing and return to function for those suffering from the pain and disability of arthritis! Get lasting relief from arthritis pain with Regenerative Orthopedics!
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