Whether you suffer from a sprained finger from football or baseball or wrist pain from tennis or golf, OrthoRegen® treats numerous finger, hand, and wrist injuries with comprehensive Prolotherapy hand treatments. We can treat your pain or injury without surgery, without pain medications, or without extended time away from training and competition.
In our experience, comprehensive Prolotherapy can successfully treat pain in your fingers, hands and wrists, with optimal long-term results. Dr. Fields, The Athletic Doc®, can consult with you to determine if you are a candidate for Prolotherapy. Because of his participation in Triathlons and Ironman competitions, he understands your desire to return quickly to the sports in which you participate.
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The most common finger, wrist, and hand pain and injuries we treat with comprehensive Prolotherapy are:
Dr. Fields and our staff at OrthoRegen® offer traditional Dextrose Prolotherapy hand injury treatments, PRP Prolotherapy, and Stem Cell Prolotherapy. To see if you are a candidate for one of our Prolotherapy treatments or for a second opinion for a recommended surgery, contact us for a consultation, OrthoRegen®, 310-453-1234.
Still not convinced? Check out the testimonials on this page and on our Prolotherapy Hand and Wrist Testimonials page.