Regenerative Orthopedics might not be as well known as they should be, but they can have an incredible impact on your life. When your tendons and ligaments hurt or are otherwise injured, it can take an awful toll on your life. Pain in your ligaments and tendons can make any physical activity more difficult: getting up, sitting down, walking and everything in between. Regenerative Orthopedics are a great way to not only heal your wounded ligaments and tendons, but they are a way to do so without having to get surgery. At OrthoRegen we can help you to live free from the ligament and tendon pain that is putting a damper on your life.
How Regenerative Orthopedics Work
Regenerative Orthopedics target the painful and injured joint structures. Prolotherapy, PRP, and Stem Cell Therapy stimulate the body’s natural healing cascade, boosting the ability of the body to regenerate and repair. The treatment helps your body to make new cells. See, tendons and ligaments tend to not have the best circulation. That means that they don’t get the blood supply that other parts of your body might. And healing nutrients are in your blood. By encouraging the supply of these nutrients, your body is able to heal more quickly and completely. Instead of being outside of the circulation, or cut off from it, suddenly the area of your body will be awash in these nutrients. Then, the area will be able to heal. Even better, it will be able to heal using the body’s own natural, organic methods.

Safe and Secure
It’s perfectly understandable if you read the above section and thought something like: “Wow, that sounds effective.” But is it really? At OrthoRegen, we’ve been helping people with joint pain and injury for quite some time. We know how to administer Regenerative Orthopedics by using the Gold Standard of care. With effective treatment, you always want experience! Our practitioners have many, many years of experience in administering Regenerative Orthopedics, such as Prolotherapy, PRP, and Stem Cell Therapy.
We will do everything possible to make this treatment as non-invasive, and make the experience as positive as possible. In addition to being a non-invasive alternative to surgery, this treatment also features an alternative to general anesthesia. You never have to “go under” or anything like that. We will use a local anesthetic to help provide comfort during the procedure. Regenerative Orthopedics effectively provides you with the pain-free results you want, because it strengthens your ligaments and tendons, and gets you back quickly to the activities and sports you love.
In Only a Few Treatments
If anyone says something like, “You only need one Prolotherapy treatment to get the maximum benefit,” they are not telling the whole truth. Sure, sometimes people get better with just one treatment. But it is important to understand that a reputable practitioner will tell you that the average number of treatments are 4-8 treatments sessions for proper healing. You have most likely been suffering with pain for a long time, and the problem did not just develop overnight. In the same way, the body, and specifically the ligament and tendon injuries, will take several months to fully regenerate and heal.
It’s important to note that, in addition to helping your ligaments and tendons, there are no real negative side effects to Regenerative Orthopedics. They benefit your body, without detracting anything from it. They heal and repair, rather than weaken the soft tissue. We mention this because we often have patients say something like, “How are these different from cortisone shots?” Well, you could get cortisone shots and they might be “effective,” but they are only a temporary, short-term, interim solution. Study after study has shown that the effectiveness of cortisone may diminish, and can even weaken the soft tissue eventually.
For many people, this might be the first time you are hearing about Regenerative Orthopedics. We have several satisfied client testimonies that you are welcome to read and watch. Please call us if you have questions and if you would like to set up a consultation. Our phone number is 310-453-1234.
At OrthoRegen, we treat many joint injuries with Regenerative Orthopedics. These therapies, include Prolotherapy, PRP, and Stem Cell Therapy, and are effective for pretty much any joint of your body where there is a musculoskeletal injury. When you contact us, we’ll be happy to give a recommendation as to whether you are a good candidate for this non-surgical option. From there, we’ll figure out the right kind of Regenerative Orthopedic treatment option for your exact problem, to effectively repair your joint, and get you back quickly to the activities you love: Pain-free.
Better than Surgery
Many of our patients come to us when they’ve been told by someone else that it’s time to get surgery to fix their problem. Maybe they have lasting shoulder pain, or there’s a pain in one or both of their knees that just won’t go away. However, that doesn’t mean that surgery has to be the answer. In fact, Regenerative Orthopedics is almost invariably a better option. Not only can these treatments be more beneficial, but they also have much less down-time and recovery time.

When you need surgery, you’re probably already in pain. After the surgery, you’re likely to be in plenty of pain, and then you’ll have to recover, possibly go through physical therapy, and so much more. The prolonged recovery time can cause you to be less effective at your job, or possibly even make you take time off. With Regenerative Orthopedics, you won’t need to take all that time off for recovery. Over the course of just a few Regenerative Orthopedic treatments, most people note improvement, and before you know it, you’ll be returning to the things in life you enjoy.
The “PRP” stands for “platelet-rich plasma,” and is one form of Regenerative Orthopedics. Like so many of our other treatments, this really just uses what’s already in your body to treat you. In the case of PRP, we utilize your own blood to help your body recover. See, these platelets in your blood contain “growth factors,” which means that they can help get soft tissue repairing as it should. For many of our patients, that’s exactly what they need to repair the damaged soft tissue areas of their bodies.
The blood is centrifuged in a special way to cause the plasma to be rich in platelets or have a high concentration of platelets. So, the PRP we inject into the injured area is practically overflowing with growth factors. Then, this injured area of your body that’s been starving for tissue growth gets a giant helping of it. The more platelets in the damaged area, the faster and more completely your tissues will heal.
This is a treatment that’s been proven to be effective in joints all over the body. Many of our patients with hip labrum problems or knee meniscus injuries have responded wonderfully to this form of treatment, once again able to do the activities and sports they love. When joints are injured, it’s amazing how difficult simple motions are. You will be relieved to be able to walk, sit, or just use your knees and hips again without pain.
Dextrose Prolotherapy
For many, this is known as the “original prolotherapy.” When Prolotherapy began in the ’30s, this was the form it took. Think of your body as a machine. In order for the body to heal the parts of the body that need healing, it sometimes needs a boost. Especially, difficult to heal areas like ligaments and tendons that naturally just do not have a great flow of blood. Prolotherapy is a Regenerative Orthopedic therapy that can cause the body to kick into high gear and boost the healing cascade in order to stimulate blood flow and repair the soft tissue parts of your body that have been injured.
With this form of Prolotherapy, we inject the soft tissue parts of the joint that have been injured. Then, the blood and healing factors rush to heal the areas that have been damaged. We cause a very temporary and low-grade inflammation which makes your body spring into action. It’s important to note that this is a normal part of the healing process. Utilizing a local anesthetic, we make sure that you’re always comfortable during the treatment process.
Stem Cell Therapy
In cases of severe degeneration or in certain joint injuries, we may recommend Stem Cell Therapy. We have great success with Stem Cell Therapy because we use the Gold Standard in Stem Cell Therapy utilizing Dextrose Prolotherapy, PRP, and stem cells from both fat and bone marrow. Just because someone has told you that you need surgery, remember that there are other options available.
These various Regenerative Orthopedic options are very effective at returning you to a vibrant and pain-free life again. Contact us today for a consultation at 310-453-1234, and we’ll be happy to let you know which of our treatments are right for your body.
Imagine that your joints degenerate to the point where you are in constant, severe pain. You are wary of surgery, but your doctor tells you there’s a better method: stem cells. Somehow, he’s able to use stem cells to regenerate your joints or repair your spine. This isn’t something out of science fiction or a vision from a far-flung future: it’s the present. When you have the right stem cell doctor in Santa Monica by your side, you can heal your joints and spine without surgery.
Restoring Your Painful Joints with Your Own Stem Cells
At OrthoRegen, our Gold Standard in Stem Cell Therapy combines four regenerative Orthopedic procedures including two types of stem cells (fat and bone), PRP, and Dextrose Prolotherapy. That’s a lot of reparative cells and growth factors to do the job of healing and repair! Most other regenerative medicine clinics only utilize one or two, at best. By using all four, we’re able to offer our patients a better, more comprehensive treatment. It’s important to realize these cells are autologous. That means they come from your own body, and we’re simply returning them to the injured areas of your body for repair and regeneration.

Injecting the Stem Cells
Once we’ve drawn the regenerative cells, we centrifuge them and/or concentrate them. Through this process, we’re able to get a solution that has the highest possible amount of regenerative cells. Then, we inject them right into the injured or degenerated joint. The regenerative cells and growth factors get right to work boosting the healing cascade, so the joint can repair. Stem cells can regenerate all different kinds of joint structures: ligaments, meniscus, cartilage, and bone. So if joint structures are damaged, Regenerative Orthopedics has a great chance of repairing them.
Incorporating Platelet Rich Plasma
We also use Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as part of the Gold Standard in Stem Cell Therapy to accelerate the healing. PRP uses plasma derived from your own blood, with a highly concentrated amount of blood platelets. What makes these blood platelets so special is that they can speed up the body’s healing process through their vast amount of growth factors.
Dextrose Prolotherapy for Stabilization
The final Regenerative Orthopedic procedure we utilize is Dextrose Prolotherapy. With Prolotherapy, we inject a dextrose solution to trigger a mild inflammatory response in the body. This is the process the body naturally uses as part of the healing cascade. The tendons and ligaments are generally low in blood supply, and this technique stimulates the blood flow which provides these structures with the nutrition they need for healing. Dextrose Prolotherapy gives the body this boost to get the healing process into high gear. As part of Stem Cell therapy, the Dextrose Prolotherapy to the ligament and tendon structures on the outside of the joint repairs these injured joint structures so the joint can move normally, in a stable and normal fashion.
Contact Dr. Fields, Stem Cell Doctor in Santa Monica
For most patients, only a handful of treatments are required for repair. That’s often far less time (especially considering recovery time) than surgery would require, to say nothing of how much pain surgery could leave you in. Wondering if you’re a good candidate for our stem cell treatment? Schedule an appointment with us by calling 310-453-1234.